Yarn-a-Day May Giveaway
Each day in May, we're giving away a different hand-dyed yarn!
EWE Fine Fiber Goods [Local Yarn Shop]
We visited EWE Fine Fiber Goods, one of three local yarn shops in Charlottesville, Virginia, on our Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl!
Hunt Country Yarns [Local Yarn Shop]
Join us as we visit Hunt Country Yarns in The Plains, Virginia! Note: This shop closed on December 22, 2019.
Laughing Sheep Yarns [Local Yarn Shop]
Laughing Sheep Yarns in Charlottesville, Virginia was our next yarn crawl stop!
Charities for Knitters & Crocheters
Are you considering giving of your talent, your time, or your stash? There are several organizations that would love your help!
The Flying Needles [Local Yarn Shop]
Another Williamsburg yarn shop! Come explore The Flying Needles.
Yarn Matters [Local Yarn Shop]
Join us on the Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl! We recently visited Yarn Matters in Williamsburg.
The Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl
The Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl? I'm in! Join me as I visit every single local yarn shop this year.
A Simple Guide to Animal-Sourced Yarns
A quick guide to fibers sourced from animals and animal products and the yarns made from them