Gooseberries Stitch is the featured stitch for Week 9 of the Winter Stitch Sampler Knit Along!
Just getting started? Visit the Winter Stitch Sampler Knit Along main page here
or download the free pattern in its entirety here.

Welcome to the Winter Stitch Sampler Knit Along!
The Winter Stitch Sampler celebrates nature with patterns inspired by leaves, flowers, fruits, and animals! Each week, we’ll work one of the twelve squares of this patchwork pattern.
Winter Stitch Sampler Knit Along Overview
Week 1 – Butterfly Stitch
Week 2 – Vine Stripe Stitch
Week 3 – Owl’s Eye Stitch
Week 4 – Traveling Vine Stitch
Week 5 – Little Blossoms Stitch
Week 6 – Bunches of Grapes Stitch
Week 7 – Sweet Shells Stitch
Week 8 – Wildflower Knot Stitch
Week 9 – Gooseberries Stitch ⬅️
Week 10 – Cockleshells Stitch
Week 11 – Apple Leaves Stitch
Week 12 – Bear Claw Stitch
About Gooseberries Stitch
Gooseberries Stitch gives fabric an allover texture of rounded bobbles. It’s a fun stitch that can be incorporated into any project, but the added texture makes it ideal for scrubbies, rugs, and other home textiles. It also makes it a yarn-eating project!
This stitch evoked memories of Bunches of Grapes Stitch, worked just a few weeks ago. The bobbles are very similar in construction, but while Bunches of Grapes Stitch had them stacked in tiers, Gooseberries Stitch has them everywhere. You’ll nearly triple your stitch count when working increase rows, then you’ll bring it back down to the starting count on decrease rows.
Because this stitch runs really wide, you’ll also cast on far fewer stitches than previous panels.
I used 281 yards (257 meters) of yarn to complete this panel.
This pattern was adapted from 50 Fabulous Knit Stitches by Rita Weiss.
BO – bind off
CO – cast on
k – knit
p – purl
p2sso – pass 2 slipped stitches over
p3tog – purl 3 stitches together; double decrease
sl – slip
st(s) – stitch(es)
wyif – with yarn in front
Special Stitch
M5 – make 5; (p1, k1) twice, p1 into the same stitch
The video walkthrough for this stitch is quite helpful.
CO 45 sts.
Row 1 – K all
Row 2 – K1, *M5, k1; rep from * to end [133 sts]
Row 3 – P all
Row 4 – K1, *sl 2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; rep from * to end [45 sts]
Row 5 – K all
Row 6 – K2, *M5, k1; rep from * to last st, k1 [129 sts]
Row 7 – P all
Row 8 – K2, *sl 2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; rep from * to last st, k1 [45 sts]
Work these 8 rows 12 times for a total of 96 rows.
Final Row: K all [97 rows]
BO all sts. Weave in ends.
For General Use
The instructions above have been adjusted to fit the Winter Stitch Sampler. If you wish to use this stitch pattern in another project, use the instructions below, which have not been modified.
This stitch is worked in multiples of 2 + 5 stitches across 8 rows and the pattern begins on the right side.
Row 1 – K all
Row 2 – K1, *M5, k1; rep from * to end
Row 3 – P all
Row 4 – K1, *sl 2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; rep from * to end
Row 5 – K all
Row 6 – K2, *M5, k1; rep from * to last st, k1
Row 7 – P all
Row 8 – K2, *sl 2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; rep from * to last st, k1
Repeat Rows 1 to 8 to form the pattern.