Magpie Knits is a local yarn shop located on the Historic Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia.
🧶 This visit is part of The Ultimate Virginia Yarn Crawl.

Charlottesville Yarn Shops
EWE Fine Fiber Goods | Laughing Sheep Yarns | Magpie Knits
The Shop
Magpie has served the historic downtown mall of Charlottesville for nearly four years. The downtown mall is a historic pedestrian thoroughfare with over 100 shops including restaurants, bars, boutiques, and theatres. Throughout the brick walkway you’ll also find fountains, landscaping, and local artwork.
The shop sells yarn, notions, and patterns for knitting and needlepoint. The shop also offers monogramming services and embroidery. Whether it is a personal item like a Christmas stocking or polos for your entire staff, they’ll embroider it!
A Look Around Magpie Knits
The shop is lovely and warm. It is packed with knitting and needlepoint supplies. It carries a large selection of upscale yarns from around the world in wool, cotton, and silk. I spotted Malabrigo, Shibui, Woolfolk, and Claudia’s Hand Painted yarns.
I’m less familiar with needlepoint, but noticed that the shop also carried thread in many colors, canvases, and patterns. They carry silk thread and 6-strand DMC thread.
The shop showcased several knitting projects. Some showcased yarns and others showcased techniques or projects for upcoming workshops. This mosaic infinity cowl really caught my eye!
The shop also carried handmade buttons in all sizes, shapes, and colors.
Plan Your Visit
Magpie Knits
111 W. Main Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902